It’s 4am and you are having a nightmare. In it, you find yourself running down a long dark tunnel. You can’t see your hand in front of your face but you are trying to get moving. You feel this pressure to go forward as fast as you can, but you are conscious that, at any point, you could bump into something or even fall down a big hole.

This goes on for a while and then you trip over something and now you are stumbling through the dark with no idea what is going on. You wake up in a cold sweat and as you lay there, momentarily disorientated, it dawns on you what the nightmare has been about. The bloody business!

Turning on the lights

The business was the reason you couldn’t get to sleep a few hours earlier and it’s the reason you are waking now. Don’t get me wrong, you love the business, it provides for you and the family, but at the moment it’s driving you insane.

This is because your business is out of control. You are proud of the work you do and for the most part the customers would never realise it, but the business has grown to a point where you feel like you can’t cope.

The main problem is that you feel this enormous pressure to keep on top of the paperwork and the fact that you have absolutely no idea about the finances.

How did it get like this?

When you started the business, all was good and manageable but as the business grew, the cracks began to appear and as fast as you papered over them, new cracks appeared. Pretty soon you were in denial about the whole thing. Life went on, jobs went through, but things never got sorted.

You kept compartmentalizing the problem and ignoring it. Until this problem started affecting your other work, your home life and your sleep patterns.

What can you do about it?

The first step, as they say, is admitting you have a problem.

Once you are sure you have a problem, you can take the steps to sort it out.

The next step is to get some help from a professional and I don’t mean a counsellor, I mean an accountant like me. We help business owners get back on track. Business owners just like you.

Don’t bury your head in the sand, give me a call on 01622 671835 and I will be happy to help.