They say there are 5 stages of love:

Attraction – Curiosity – Crisis – Deep Attachment- Commitment

But these don’t just apply to l’amour, they can easily be applied to the relationship that you have with your business as well…

  • Attraction – the honeymoon phase when everything is new and exciting, the business is the centre of your life, and you are embarking on a great adventure.
  • Curiosity – Your initial business idea morphs and finds its true direction – the adventure is still present, but things are a little calmer and you begin to build on your foundations.
  • Crisis – The reality of the business hits home and the initial excitement begins to wear off; things go wrong and the pressure builds.
  • Deep attachment – the calm after the storm having survived the first few years, when your business begins to settle down.
  • Commitment – your business settles down you find your role in it and things go from strength to strength.

It is possible to fall out of love with your business at any of these stages – the most common is crisis when you get to a point where you think enough is enough.

If you’ve fallen out of love with your business, consider the following steps to regain your passion and motivation:

  1. Reflect on why you started the business and what you enjoyed about it.
  2. Assess whether there are any specific aspects of the business that are causing you stress or frustration.
  3. Consider making changes to the business, such as delegating tasks or pivoting to a new direction.
  4. Take breaks, prioritise self-care and engage in activities outside of work to refresh your mind and restore your energy.
  5. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people and seek advice from trusted mentors or a business coach.
  6. Set new goals for the business and develop a plan to achieve them, which can reignite your excitement and passion.

Remember, it’s normal to have ups and downs in any business, but as with all relationships with effort and persistence, you can reignite your love for your business.