You have probably all heard the news about the Arson in Maidstone two weeks ago. If you haven’t here is a link

This fire has had a devastating effect on many businesses in Maidstone and the surrounding areas that will take a long time to get over.

This got me thinking about whether you had a disaster recovery plan in place for your business?

A disaster recovery plan, as the name suggests, is a plan for when things go wrong.

It should start with the basics such as making sure everyone is a safe, providing a list of emergency contact numbers for example and a fire evacuation plan and then go on to include items such as.

  1. What will happen to the staff in the event of a disaster?
  2. If the premises are not accessible, how will the IT be set up to continue the work?
  3. Who will coordinate the plan?
  4. Where will your people go – can they work from home
  5. What happens to the phone lines?

The plan should be as simple as concise as possible and be kept both onsite and offsite.

Test the Plan

Once your plan is written then make sure it is tested, if possible at least once a year. They say no plan survives first contact with implementation. So testing it will allow you to see if the for any changes need to be made and helps your team become familiar with it.

If your business is to survive a disaster and you want to avoid as much disruption as possible then a little planning can go a long way.