Does this sound at all familiar to you?

You have a successful business, you might have good sales maybe £100K or even a million or two but most of the time it feels like the business runs you and not the other way around. You love being in business but lately things just aren’t how you thought they would be when you started out.

The truth is the business is beginning to wear you down, things just aren’t going how you want them to. Sometimes you think you would be better off getting rid the whole thing, starting again or, god forbid, working for someone else.

The problems in your business seem to come from all angles, lack of cash, issues with products, problems with staff, suppliers and customer’s aghh!!

Rest Assured

If this describes you and your business then there are solutions to the problems you face but before you go seek these out you need to identify the one biggest problem in your business. If you recognise the issues described above then, chances are, the main problem you face is that you are just too close to the whole situation to do anything about it.

Where this is the case you really do need to stop, take stock and come out fighting so your business doesn’t bring you down.

Recently a client of mine took my book, The Organised Business, on holiday with him, finally after 3 months of nagging he found some time to sit down and read about some of the solutions to the problems he faces in his business. Ironically in the book I talk about not doing work on holiday but this was the only time he could find to read it.

On his return he was a changed man; he was so determined to make changes that he booked a meeting with me on 2nd January as soon as was possible after the Christmas break.

During that meeting he laid out just how bad things had got in the run up to Christmas, how disorganised his business truly was. He couldn’t get his employees to do what he needed them to do, he couldn’t get his customers to pay because he couldn’t organise anyone to do credit control.

He had even had to let one member of staff go for sleeping at their desk! In the meantime he was working all the hours god sent just to stay on top of it.

Whilst talking to him I wondered why he hadn’t done something about the issues in his business sooner. I know these issues caused him pain but I suppose the pain just wasn’t enough.

To use an analogy, its like boiling a frog in a pan, if you drop a frog into a pan of boiling water it will jump out as fast as it can but if you put the frog in the water and then boil it the frog will happily stay there until the water boils and it dies.

The point is do not let the water boil on you, don’t let the problems build up to a point where there is no return and your business fails do something now while you still can.

Take some time, take stock and do something before it’s too late.

You can get the first chapter of my book for free on