Running a business can be hard at the best of times and unfortunately, these are not the best of times. The cost of living “crisis”, which has been made worse by media hysteria, has ruined consumer confidence and caused a difficult trading environment.

Don’t get me wrong there are some genuine difficulties, but constant media coverage of how difficult things are does not help.

In a downturn, predictably, business failures increase. But the businesses that fail and can’t survive the tough times, tend to be the ones that, at their core, have some fundamental problems that have not been addressed.

These problems can be both operational and financial and can be easily identified by maintaining a good set of “books.”

Good quality financial information will identify, highlight and warn you of problems in your business – poor quality financial information will mask and hide issues until it’s too late.

Whilst some might think that ‘ignorance is bliss’ when it comes to knowing how well your business is performing, the bliss can quickly turn into a nightmare when failure is looming.

Fortunately, it’s never been easier to find out if your finances are in good shape because we have created the financial health check. With this tool, in just 5 minutes, you will get to the heart of your business’ finances. If you have a problem, then this tool will help identify it and you can work on doing something about it before it’s too late.

Financial Health Check

Answer 15 quick-fire questions to reveal your business financial healthcheck score.

This scorecard has been developed to quickly and painlessly produce a financial score, based on your answers. In under 2 minutes, you will generate results with tailored feedback on how to improve.

No gimmicks, no number crunching, just some simple yes/no questions to set you off on your financial clarity journey!