SEO isn’t necessarily your top priority when just starting your business. You might not even know precisely what it is. Does it have something to do with websites? Or Google? 

Actually, investing in SEO could do a lot for your business, particularly when it comes to reaching new customers. 

In this article, we’ll explain what SEO is, why it’s essential, and some tips to get you on the right track. 

What is SEO?

Search engine optimisation is about ensuring you’re attracting traffic from search engines to your business’ website. You know how some websites appear top of the list on Google, and others are down on page two or three? SEO has a lot to do with that. 

Optimising your website for popular internet searches can increase your search engine rankings, encouraging more people to head to your business to solve their problems.

Is SEO Important?

At first, SEO might not seem as important as other marketing tasks like perfecting your brand image or setting up social media. 

However, as soon as your business has a website up and running, you could benefit from free promotion and exposure with effective SEO. Just 63% of small businesses invest in SEO, meaning a huge number of small businesses are missing out on low-cost marketing.

For context, 4.3 billion people worldwide use Google for their internet searches, and it’s the most popular search engine in the UK by far. That’s a vast audience of potential customers that you could attract to your product or service simply by making your website more Google-friendly. 

If your small business operates in a specific area, like a town or city, there are other benefits to investing in SEO. You can optimise your website for your local area by using local keywords, drawing in customers who live nearby. 

Where to Start with SEO

Build a mobile-friendly site

Most Google users visit the site on mobile devices, so if your website does not have an effective mobile option, you’re unlikely to rank well. Set this up when you create your website to ensure you rank. 

Optimise your Google My Business account

Google will automatically create a Google My Business account for your company as it gathers information on your website. However, it’s important to ensure that this information is accurate and that you’re responding to customer reviews.

Create original content

Search engines reward websites that provide unique, original content that is tailored to users. This means you’re more likely to rank if you have a blog and create regular content optimised for keywords.

Our Advice

While you may not be at the stage where you’re hiring an SEO expert to help rank your website, it’s important to remember the basics of SEO when you begin your business.

That said, SEO is a massive topic. If you want to reap the rewards, it’s worth investing in a detailed SEO course to take you from beginner to expert.